Dan Ingram, 77 WABC New York | January 2, 1968

MusicRadio77, 770 New York, WABC

Big Apple Airchecks

Dan Ingram’s afternoon show, January 1968. Big Dan’s counting down the WABC All-American survey – out of order, as usual. The number one song this week is The Beatles – Hello, Goodbye.

Something about WABC in 1968, always an exciting station, but there was something dark about it. Perhaps the Vietnam war and the whole aura that surrounded American society at the time. Certainly, WABC was the soundtrack of America in 1968. It was a time when WABC was at the height of its popularity and the Beatles were still the biggest band in the world! WABC and the Beatles. In many ways the popularity of WABC rose and fell with the Beatles arrival and their breakup in 1970. It just took 77 another 10 years to feel it’s full effect.

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MusicRadio 77 WABC New York