101.1 New York WCBS-FM

Dan Ingram WCBS fm 101 New York

I can remember listening to Dan Ingram’s 20th anniversary on 77 WABC, back in July 1981. WABC really threw a party for Ingram. Lots of audio from Ingram’s past, Ingram shared stories from his career, and lots of guests dropping in. Among the guest, Howard Cosell and many of the jocks Big Dan worked with over the years. It was an amazing 4 hours of radio, and it was commercial free if memory serves me.

In 2001. when I heard WCBS-FM, where Dan was working at the time, was going to celebrate Ingram’s 40th anniversary in New York radio, I was so excited! i remember how much I enjoyed Dan’s 20th, & I thought this celebration would be even bigger! I was wrong. It was smaller. For Ingram’s 20th, WABC chucked the format and made it a celebration of Ingram. For Ingram’s 40th, WCBS-FM stuck to the format, and there were a lot of quick drops from Dan’s collegues over the years, like Ron Lundy & Joe McCoy, as well as many produced sweepers. Of course Ingram was sharing his quick wit, which was always enjoyable.

Feel free to check out the aircheck od Ingram’s 40th. it does not live up to the 1981 tribute, but it is still a fun listen. -Ellis

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Ellis B Feaster   From the Ellis B Feaster You Tube Radio Aircheck & Classic TV Channel.




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By Ellis Feaster

Since 1979, Ellis has been on the radio, mostly hosting morning radio shows across the country, from Philly to Salt Lake City, Tampa to Seattle, and for the last 25 years, has been waking Orlando & Daytona Beach.

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