980 Montreal CKGM

Dennis Coffey, 980 CKGM Montreal | January 16, 1972

CKGM_980It’s a “Beatles Weekend” on CKGM and there’s lots of Beatles music on. This is a good quality aircheck which includes some interesting promos and commercial (segments). We couldn’t find much information on Dennis Coffey, so for that, we’ll rely upon our visitors to fill in the blanks.


6 responses to “Dennis Coffey, 980 CKGM Montreal | January 16, 1972”

  1. Frank J Hartge Avatar
    Frank J Hartge

    The Dennis Coffey referred to at the beginning was the leader of the Detroit Guitar Band, whose song Scorpio is played. It’s not the DJ’s name. Toward the end of the aircheck, the DJ announces himself as Darryl Promo (or something like that.)

  2. Darrell Provost was a Weekend announcer at the time. He is heard on this after 1 P.M.

  3. Bryan Dean (Rick Shaw of the North) Avatar
    Bryan Dean (Rick Shaw of the North)

    Jock identifies as Darryl Provo around 3:35. Dennis was still an active session man and independent artist around this time, not on air in Montreal – as per Dennis. Darryl on the other hand, was working Quebec, Ontario, and New York during those days…

  4. Jay L Rudko Avatar
    Jay L Rudko

    Dennis Coffey was an artist on an instrumental record played before the top of the hour. The DJ’s name was Daryl; missed his last name. He gave it after the top of the hour.

  5. Neil Ross Avatar
    Neil Ross

    The DJ’s name isn’t Dennis Coffey. He’s back announcing Dennis Coffey and The Detroit Guitar Band playing “Scorpio.” He says his name at 3:35. Sounds like Darryl Truveaux. Looked up CKGM on 440 Satisfaction site. Nobody by that name listed. Maybe somebody out there knows this cat.

    1. Well… my hearing isn’t that good (ask my wife…). Thank y’all for the information. I’ll make the change.

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