The Howard Clark Show, 610 KFRC San Francisco | November 25, 1966

It seems like it was ALWAYS Para Camero time at KFRC in the 60s. Here’s the Big 610 on Thanksgiving Day playing the All-Time Top 300. Its amazing to hear the Drake sound once again… with Bill Drake voicing a dry Top Hour Legal ID.

There was no reverb on KFRC, but the station was always processed to perfection. With only a 5kw signal, KFRC still managed to top ratings in San Francisco and all over the Bay Area. You’ll hear plenty of those old KFRC jingles. Extra credit if you can name the imaging voice used on KFRC in this recording.


2 responses to “The Howard Clark Show, 610 KFRC San Francisco | November 25, 1966”

  1. Calradiopd Avatar

    KFRC only did the Pair-a-Camaro contest once…in late fall ’66 when the car first was introduced.

    Very slick how Howard alters the name of the contest going into the Ford Mustang spot.

    I’m gonna say Mike Phillips for the recorded promo.

    While KFRC eventually became dominant, it was a struggle early on. KYA, at 1260, traded the lead with KFRC a lot until 1971. And it wasn’t until 1975 that it was truly “game over” for KYA.

  2. Hi. This is from 11-24-66 and he is not playing the All Time Top 300. Also, this aircheck is available from 12 noon to 3:20 pm(with the news cut out). It runs almost 3 hours! A great show!

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