106.1 Denton TX Dallas KHKS Kiss-FM

Amy Auston, 106.1 KHKS Denton/Dallas TX | December 24, 1997

106.1 Denton Dallas TX KHKS Kiss-FMIt’s Christmas Eve in Dallas, where the temperature is a frigid 50 degrees (ha!) and Mr. Claus is ready to fly! Actually, this is a pretty straight-forward aircheck without many frills. Amy Auston is in for the vacationing Hollywood Henderson and half the playlist is holiday music! If this wasn’t scoped, you could jam to Mariah Carey’s perennial favorite, “All I Want for Christmas Is You, Baby!” and that humorous little kid singing “Something’s Stuck up in the Chimney and I don’t know what it is”.

This appears to be a live, not voice tracked show… but it was 1997 and software-based automation, while available, was nowhere near mainstream at this point, nor was it very good for what we know as voice tracking today. Yep. The days of a live DJ working on a major holiday. To be sure, one of the many joys of working in the wonderful world of radio.


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