101.1 FM New York WCBS-FM CBSFM Bill Brown Bag Golden 101WCBS-FM Logo, original Oldies format circa 1999

A young Dan Ingram featured in a 77 WABC Promotions Photo, circa 1978
Date of Recording: 09.07.2002
Station: 101.1 WCBS-FM New York, New York, USA
Format: Oldies
Featured Air Personality: Dan Ingram
Date of Posting: 09/14/2017
Total Time: 8:00 Telescoped
Airchexx Entry: 1,510

Our Word for the Day on the Ingram mess is Contravene…

Curator’s Notes:

In writing liner notes, sometimes there are no words… Listen, kemosabe. Nobody is better at one liners than Dan Ingram! Period. Now, obviously, Big Dan doesn’t make a funny every break, but most. If you take the time to really LISTEN to this tightly scoped aircheck, you’ll be laughing before it’s done. I’m not posting the punch line, you need to hear it, every time!

This is posted on the occasion of Dan Ingram’s 83rd birthday. Happy Birthday, Kemosabe and here’s to many more!

Dan Ingram TapeAbout this aircheck tape.

This came in recorded HOT! What I mean by that is, the levels were so high that theres a bit of distortion on the recording. Its more noticeable at the beginning than at the end. Cassettes can be a wonderful thing. In this case, obviously recorded on a high-end recorder, it runs 50 minutes, unscoped. For the purposes of archiving, I had to once again, edit the entire tape and bring it to you scoped, to comply with current copyright law. If at some time in the future, laws are relaxed regarding online music content, perhaps I will be able to post unscoped tapes, but trends being what they are, it does not look like that will happen anytime soon.

The commercial breaks are mostly spliced out, however, I kept two in. One is a hilarious live read from Dan Ingram about an Italian Restaurant and the other is a computer store, which I kept in for historical purposes. I mean, really… anyone out there want a new palm device? Blackberrys became all the rage 15 years ago but who uses one now? (Someone does, I’m sure).

This is an ORIGINAL aircheck available nowhere else! If you find it online somewhere else, send an email confidentially to steve@airchexx.com.

101.1 FM New York WCBS-FM CBSFM Bill Brown Bag Golden 101
WCBS-FM Logo, original Oldies format circa 1999

By Steve West

Steve West is a 41 year veteran of broadcasting. His air work as a Jock and News Anchor includes six radio markets and over two-dozen radio stations. Steve is the founder of Airchexx.com and Hitoldies.net - All the BIG Hits!

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