Fresh “master” copy sent in courtesy of our friends at California Aircheck!
It’s Your Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeder on Y-100! There’s only two guys I’ve ever heard who talk this fast – Terry ‘Motormouth’ Young on XM’s 60s on 6 channel and Jackson Armstrong. Jack was the original!
Like so many people whose ships pass in the night, I had the fortunate occasion to exchange emails with Jack Armstrong in 2006. Unfortunately, he passed away in March 23, 2008 reportedly after a fall down a staircase in his home.
This is a great scope of Armstrong on Y-100. He’s just as energetic as ever and man! Does Y-100 sound great here.

Great Jackson Armstrong airchedk on y-100. As always, he’s cranking out high energy radio.
Jackson is now on afternoons from 3 to 8 EST on KB Radio 1520.
Always enjoy both Jackson Armstrong and Terry (motormouth) Young. They are the best.
This is an interesting air check, because Jackson Armstrong is legendary and his air check from Y-100 is special: he was filling in for Robert W. Walker in afternoon drive, and his delivery is so UNLIKE any Y-100 jock. That is because his motor-mouth presentation didn’t really mesh with Y-100’s overall programming and approach, mastered by Bill Tanner after he returned from Cecil Heftel’s 13Q in Pittsburgh for good. I believe Jackson was sitting in on Y during the time Tanner was in Pittsburgh but flying back to Miami to do special Saturday “Tanner in the Morning” shows. If you listen to the March 1978 aircheck, you’ll get the good overall scope of Y-100 — big promotions, jocks that talked to you like your buddy and a wide scope of top rock hits.
Sad to hear that JA has passed (as of 3/24/2008) at age 62. Just thought I’d be the first to put it out here…
When I heard that Jack was going to be on The Radio Racket a while back (not long before he passed away), I knew I had to ask him about this aircheck. He told a great story about it. The night before this shift, Walker and company actually LOCKED Jack into the studio… he didn’t know he was going to be on the air! He didn’t even know the call letters, so when the top of the hour came around, he had to look the station up in the phone book. He said that when he killed the mic, he looked through the window, and Walker was laughing his head off, holding up a sign that said “You got it right!” Great stuff!
JACKSON ARMSTRONG! My all time #1 Favorite DJ… My Idol… Used to listen to him on WKBW 1520 back in the early 70s… when I was a teenager! One of the main reasons I became a DJ (WAQY-FM, WACKY 102, 1973-1981, then back again part time, 1984-1988) Loved listening to THE LEEEEEADER AGAIN when he returned to KB before he passed away. I REALLY MISS HIM… THANKS SO MUCH for posting these airchecks! LOVED THE Y-100 HIGH ENERGY aircheck!
THE reason I got into radio… jack armstrong on WKBW just blew me away.