107.5 Chicago WGCI

Once again, it’s back to the Robyn Watts collection for this bit of Morning lunacy from Bob Wall at WGCI – before ‘GCI was playing hip hop and R&B! Its 80s CHR to the max as Wall is a man of many voices. This partucular morning he’s taking your calls to see who is today’s school fool

This aircheck comes to us on a collection which was entitled “Morning Madness” from MIDWEST Aircheck (and you thought we came up with all these wonderfully creative titles!). The source cassette is in excellent condition, and no audio restoral or processing was necessary to render this one listenable, it sounds great all by itself!


By Steve West

Steve West is a 41 year veteran of broadcasting. His air work as a Jock and News Anchor includes six radio markets and over two-dozen radio stations. Steve is the founder of Airchexx.com and Hitoldies.net - All the BIG Hits!

34 thoughts on “Morning Madness: Bob Wall on WGCI Chicago | January 1984”
  1. Bob Wall was one of my radio heroes. Absolutely one of the greatest talents I ever met. He later did mornings on KARN in Little Rock… one of the greatest.

  2. Bob was such a marvelous talent. Remarkable radio broadcaster. Sadly, he died a few years ago. I spoke at his funeral. He is missed by everybody who ever knew him.

    Radio is such a harsh and unforgiving business. Bob could have used a bit of compassion. I wish I knew what to say.

    It was pure pleasure to hear him. His call of Arkansas Traveler baseball games was a treat. He had so many talents!

    Thanks for posting my friend Bob.

    Pat Lynch

    1. Hi Pat,

      First off My mom worked in radio… her mentor was Yvonne Daniels. I know 70’s and 80’s Chicago Radio like the back of my hand… Bob was my favorite during my high school years!! And I am sure that back in January of 1984 I was listening to my Bob on this very morning!! I had no Idea that we lost Bob till reading your post…. My heart aches!! He was a totally AWESOME DJ!!! Pig for a Day was a favorite alone with the song he did about Ed Vordlyack (oooohhhhh Ed VD!!!) sorry my spelling sucks! but I miss him!! and thanks for letting me know! When Herb Kent crosses over NOT ONLY IS CHICAGO RADIO IS DEAD BUT ALL OVER THE WORLD IT’S DEAD!!!

      One Love!! CHICAGO!!!!

    2. OHHHH yeah!!! HOW COULD I FORGET!!!! BOB once did a skit on April fools day that gci had changed its format…. to Country and Western music!!! I as the rest of his listening audience had no clue to what he was doing… But he kept it up his whole shift!! till around 30 minutes before he signed off… but during those 5/6 hours people where calling in and cussing him out!! He took it all in stride… Till I got mad enough and went for the phone…. as I dialed I heard Bob say in that devilish way he had….APRIL FOOLS!!! LMAO! GREATEST BOB WALL PRANK EVER!!!!!!!!!

  3. I grew up listening to Bob Wall on WGCI here in Chicago, IL. The I remember he used to bring his daughter’s doll(I think it was a clown) in that had the craziest laugh. It used to crack me and my sister up!! I also remember he got suspended for the un-cut Marvin Gaye song that had very suggestive lyrics. Bod was so crazy that the station had a billboard posted on the Dan Ryan expressway apologizing for whatever Bob said in the morning. I along with some of my friends were saddened to hear of his death a few years ago. I’m gald that you have still have recordings of this morning show.

  4. Is this really a CHR? It appears to be a very-polished Urban of the 1980’s with use of CHR formatics and personality approach. WKYS-93.9 in DC was similar but for the use of the term ‘disco’ on KYS in some years, not heard on this WGCI aircheck. It probably morphed into a more-overtly ethnic sound over the years as music and radio continued fragmentation.

  5. My God, does this take me back! Having met Bob Wall in ’85, he was a genuinely nice guy in person and on the air. It’s unfortunate that his transgressions tarnished an otherwise stellar stint on Chicago radio. It’s also very sad that he chose his own path to leave this Earth. There won’t ever be another Bob Wall that will impact any radio market the way he did.

  6. I love Bob Wall. I remember when he was fighting to get a commerical version of Erotic City by Prince to play on the radio. When WGCI refuse to play the record that just made the kids go out and purchase the original version due to curiousity…I know Bob is up above still dee jaying…

  7. Robert Feder (Chicago Sun Times) just recently did a article about happenings in 1987. What caught my attention was a paragraph about Bob Wall hoping to get back on the air …

    It was great to see his name. After discovering some of his airchecks a few months ago, I kept wondering about him, not realizing that he has been dead since 2003 … What a shock … A read that article a few days ago and I can’t get it out of my mind. Namely because he made you want to listen to WGCI … But now — and for the last several years– except for the move of Steve Harvey’s syndicated morning show to this station, I wouldn’t listen to if you paid me.

    Bob played a variety of music and was good at it. For a long time, I had no clue that he was Caucasion. And what ever his sins, I wish that somehow he could have been given a real second chance in our market. Ironically, years later, morning host, Crazy Howard McGee was accused of domestic abuse, but he was given a second chance, including an opportunity to take calls on the air dealing with his fans’ anger. Anyway, Bob Wall and his morning crew will always have a special section in my childhood memories.

  8. Well…I was born just a few months too late to enjoy my father, Bob, on the radio. This is great to be able to listen to his shows online. He truly was a great talent. His voice forever lives inside me. And also in others. That makes me so proud of my father.
    This brings a great deal of comfort to me. I am so happy that he brought such great joy to so many people. I am also happy to see that the memories he has left with people are greatly cherished. Thanks.

  9. Well, I’ll be. This is Bob’s oldest daughter. Dad was a great talent and it’s truly amazing to see such positive memories of him. I second everything my kid sister said.

    I’m working on an album of my dad’s parody songs from the WGCI days. If you’re interested in staying updated, drop me a line at jamikath@aya.yale.edu


  11. I had been thinking about Bob Wall of and on over the years and I often wondered what happened to him. Sad to learn of his early demise such a great talent and genuine person;which is very hard to find on the radio nowadays. Growing up in the 80’s radio was much more creative and fun,you looked forward to hearing your favorite personalities every morning so you could have a little joy before you went to school or work. To bad Bob did’nt get the second chance that he deserved. He helped put WGCI on the map! Most of these current DJ’s are not really with the listeners Crazy Howard McGee is a prime example. Anyway it was great growing up listening to Bob Wall what a treat. Hey Bob enjoy that cup of Bolingbrook Brew !!!!!!!!

  12. Bob Wall and the “Wall Notes”.This was good morning radio at its finest in Chicago.As a listener from Gary,Indiana, during the late 70s to the early 80s listening to Bob was very entertaining.WGCI during that time had the best format in the country with great music. To make a long story short, today music is so bad and talentless along with the Djs in Chicago, and other major cities.Yes,Bob had issues and I hoped he was able to deal with them before passing.But in doing so,I have to say Radio personalities like Bob will always be truly missed.” P.S. Thank you Bob for making going to school in the morning so easy,fun and pleasent.”

  13. I remember Bob’s Pig For A Day. People could call in and nominate someone who basically was a Pig and Bob would call them out on the radio. It was the best. He has some troubles but in that industry, who doesn’t. I would take him over Howard McGee and Tony Sco anyday

  14. I’m 46yrs old and radio started me as a mobile Dj. I use to immulate certain Dj’s but no one can copy the style,wit humor & overall professionalism that Bob Wall had.
    AS Aa Marine from 81-85 i could’nt wait to come home to Chicago to hear
    Bob on WGCI. It’s funny that back then i wanted WGCI to play less music and more
    But now it’s the total opposite. Now i wish the Dj’s would shut-up and
    play more music. Also a special mention should go out to Harold Lee Rush Jr.
    for being the perfect sidekick to Bob’s madness.Bob i only have 4 words for you


    1. It’s so nice to see the appreciation of Bob’s talent. He was a consummate professional and I learned so much from working with him. The positive aspects of his life will always be with us. Garry, I especially appreciate your comment!

  15. Si Bob Wall , lo recuerdo con agrado , yo conducía un taxi en chicago y su programa de radio en WGCI me acompano por todos los barrios de chicago , soy mexicano y mi ingles era muy limitado en los 80s , escuchándolo todas las mañanas mi ingles mejoro , el tenia una vos que te atraía en mi caso sin saber que decia por ejemplo con el tiempo descubrí que era blanco y la mayoría de sus radio escuchas afro americanos y lo adoraban por su talento y personalidad , recuerdo que primero tenia un companero de raza blanca y recuerdo su ultimo dia de trabajo , Bob hoy soy ciudadano americano y mi vida mejoro me retire a los 40 anos tengo un negocio pequeño pero solido , en mis dias de trabajo 16 horas diarias en chicago tu me acompanaste , escuche muchas estaciones de radio pero como tu ninguna , por los recuerdos de mi juventud gracias , a sus hijas , esposa , companeros de wgci , padres , amigos que lo quisieron mi mas sentido pésame ,J Alvarado

  16. Oh my God. This brings back memories for me. I was 20 when this was broadcasted and how I loved Bob. We didn’t shun him because of what happened and I wish we could’ve gotten the chance to tell him so. He is really missed and still loved. I don’t even listen to GCI now because of music they play.I wish I could get other old snippets of his show that would be great.As for Harold I loved him too.

  17. What a shock… as other posters mentioned, I often wondered what happened to Bob Wall. I grew up listening to Bob Wall and the Wall Nuts. I used to get in trouble for being late for school because I didn’t want to leave the house while they were on. Bob Wall, Harold Lee Rush, Jr. (who gave my mom a copy of a beautiful poem about Martin Luther King, Jr that he read on the air back then) and Bonnie Deshong made my day. It was worth it to get up early back then. I miss the 80s… music was better and the radio personalities were just that, not “characters” the way a lot of them are now. WGCI is a major disappointment now. The glory days are over. But the legacy of Bob Wall will live on forever.

  18. A friend and I were reflecting on our younger days and about music and how it has changed. My friend asked “Do you remember Bob Wall? He was great! I wonder what happened to him? So we started to google and were very saddened when we found out. Man, my condolences to his family. Back during those days everything was racial oriented. But he was so good you didn’t even think about it. I don’t think I have ever listened to the radio as much sense. He was the best. Rest in Peace.

  19. I remember & loved everything about Bob Wall and like others wondered thru the years where he was and what he was doing. Had no idea he passed away. Such a loss!!!! Does anybody know what he passed from?

  20. I’d have to say, in addition to what I’ve read here, that his Bass Ackwards news reports (usually done within the first 20 minutes of his GCI morning show) was what blared out of my radio every school morning before hitting the streets for my paper route. I too was behind his decision to play the unedited version of “Erotic City”, because I have a “respect” (for lack of a better word) for people who are irreverent to an extent, all in the name of making his fans happy.

    I miss that dood. WIsh he was still here…can you imagine how popular he would be in this day and age of syndicated radio shows? Bob Wall…NATIONWIDE? On the Internet?


  21. I remember laughing every morning listening to Bob Wall while I was getting ready for school!! He was so funny!!! I miss those good ole days 😂😂P.W.

  22. The passing of Doug banks had me thinking of all some of the best dj’s urban radio in Chicago ever saw. Bob Wall is certainly among them. I too used to listen to him FAITHFULLY everyday before school. He was funny as hell and super smooth. I was wondering whatever happened to him and I just learned of his death in 2003 today. That’s sad. He’s a legend though and it’s too bad that he didn’t get the same second chance that a lot of celebs get. RIP bob

  23. Bob Wall was one of a kind. I listened to him EVERY MORNING before school. He once played the best April Fools joke ever when he said that time had went forward one hour. We didn’t know if we should go to school according to our time or to what he said. I also remember him playing the uncut version of Erotic City by Prince. He kept saying he was gonna play it but I couldn’t wait because the school bus was coming. So I put in a new cassette and pushed record. Was I surprised of the lyrics when I got home and listened to it that afternoon. I think they took him off the air for a day after that. I still have that cassette.

  24. The incident with Bob getting suspended was not for an uncut Marvin Gaye song. He actually played Prince’s Erotic City, the uncut version, about two different times. I loved it. Bob was a character and I looked forward to getting ready for school every morning listening to his banter. RIP!

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