100.3 New York WHTZ Z100


New York Radio Dial Sweep Radio Aircheck – February 1984


This aircheck features New York Radio stations I recorded on a road trip in 1984. You’ll hear WHTZ Z100 (Ross Brittain), 107.5 WBLS (Vaughn Harper), 92 WKTU (G. Keith Alexander), WCBS-FM 101 (Dick Heatherton), WPLJ Musicradio 95 (Hollywood), WSKQ 620 Super KQ. -Ellis


new york radio stations


Ellis B Feaster   From the Ellis B Feaster You Tube Radio Aircheck & Classic TV Channel.




By Ellis Feaster

Since 1979, Ellis has been on the radio, mostly hosting morning radio shows across the country, from Philly to Salt Lake City, Tampa to Seattle, and for the last 25 years, has been waking Orlando & Daytona Beach.

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