790 AM Louiville, WAKY

Gary Burbank, 790 WAKY Louisville | 1971

Date of Recording: 1971 (Exact Date Unknown) Station: 790 WAKY (WGRC/WAKY/WVEZ/WWKY/WXXA/WKRD) Louisville, Kentucky, USA Format: Top 40 Featured Air Personality: Gary Burbank (WAKY/CKLW/WLW) Contributor: Rob Grayson (WHBQ/WMQM/WKTQ/WJDX/WMC/WMC-FM) Airchexx Entry: 1,475…

Career Spotlight: Pat St. John

Sent in back in 2003 by our first, biggest contributor, Matt Seinberg at bigappleairchecks.com, here's a great air personality whom Matt was proud to strike up a friendship with. Pat…