Kenny Walker, 100.7 WHYI Miami | December, 1997

Scoped down from a 45 minute cassette side where we even removed commercials (this is from the 90s after all), here’s just under 3 minutes of Kenny Walker on a Saturday in sunny Miami Florida. Y-100 was always a station that oozed excitement, and even in 1997, the station is hot!

Somehow, the station sounds like any CHR station today, yet the difference is that there’s a LIVE JOCK in the studio on a weekend. The jingles would even fit today’s format. Its been 16 years, but it doesn’t seem all that long ago.

100.7 FM Miami Ft. Lauderdale, South Florida, Y100, WHYI, CHR, Jade Alexander, Kenny Walker, 1990s, 1996


One response to “Kenny Walker, 100.7 WHYI Miami | December, 1997”

  1. Back when Y-100 was still worth a damn! Great stuff!

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