101.1 FM New York WCBS-FM CBSFM Bill Brown Bag Golden 101

Steve O’Brien, 101.1 WCBS-FM New York | October, 1999

Courtesy of Big Apple Airchecks, here’s a high-quality aircheck of our good friend Steve O’Brien, apparently recorded right after the New York Yankees won the World Series of Baseball. The century is winding down, its a balmy day (near 70 degrees) in the Big Apple, and WCBS-FM is still New York’s OLDIES station, playing the music of the 50s, 60s and 70s with an occasional 80s tune. Its the station everybody grew up with before “Jack” came along in 2005 and spoiled the party for a while…

101.1 FM New York WCBS-FM CBSFM Bill Brown Bag Golden 101


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