Station: 1500 KSTP (AM) Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Format: Top 40
Featured Air Personality: Steve Shannon
Contributor: Daniel Coulombe (CKTS/CJMQ)
Airchexx Entry: 1,473
…Salvation does exist!
Here’s the second old recording of KSTP from it’s Top 40 era. High powered AM radio that simply went by the slogan “The Music Station”.

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Well, hello old friend! This is what I love about airchecks…they can be released into the wild and shared with others and sometimes they come back to you. I recorded this as a senior in high school and while I was working for 15/KSTP in their promotion department!
Interesting indeed! I hope you’re not offended that this came my way via someone else. It was featured on a truly fabulous tape from Ton Konard’s Aircheck Factory, one of those syndicated aircheck services aimed at radio program directors. What an incredible radio station! High powered AM Top 40 at its very best. You certainly picked a great station to record, sure helped that you were associated with the station. Thank you for recording it for posterity! I’m honored that you checked in to claim ownership. I’d be happy to include your information as part contributor and the person who recorded this in the first place. Contact me via email. Steve@airchexx.com.
A Friendly HELLO from South Central Nebraska:
What was “STEVE SHANNON’S” real name ? Always wondered what he looked like ? Any photos of him ?
I personally wrote to “STEVE SHANNON” back in 1976 and he sent me a reply on 15 KSTP Station Letterhead
I still have that letter. “Steve Shannon” was an awesome high energy night-time “on-air” personality.
Listened to him (“Steve Shannon”) whenever I could.
Many other talented individuals behind the microphone
during the era of AM 50,000 watt – 15 KSTP “The Music Station”.
Rob Sherwood’s “Check Line” was a riot to listen to also.
Also a brief snippet of TV anchor Ron Magers on KSTP’s co-owned station teasing stories for the 10pm news — a nice cross promotion back when a number of radio stations were “grandfathered” by the FCC to allow cross ownership. Ron went on to a long tenure as one of Chicago’s leading TV anchors…