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The Jennings and Martin Program; 1090 KAAY Little Rock | October 13, 1972
This begins in the 7am hour on Friday the 13th of October. Sonny Martin is the morning man, George T. Jennings is the newsman – hence, the Jennings and Martin Program. The morning show is supposedly music intensive, but some of the things you will notice are the music itself – are these all album cuts? This is certainly not your typical Top 40 fare! Also, seemingly in between nearly every record, there is an advertisement for a bank, car dealership or an insurance company. Obviously, KAAY had all the big clients in Little Rock!
Listen, about 15 minutes in, to a feature called, “I Love a Mystery”. Its a short, old time radio show which runs about 10 minutes, then its back to music, then the news.

3 responses to “The Jennings and Martin Program; 1090 KAAY Little Rock | October 13, 1972”
Wonder if Bill and/or Hillary Clinton ever listened to KAAY? I saw something at years ago that said Clinton himself may have listened to it.
Well, considering the Clintons were from Little Rock, it’s likely they did a few times. Now, if someone ever put either one of them on the air before he was President… or even Governor, that would be quite noteworthy.
Another thing. I live in Fairmont, WV, and in Wheeling, about 80 miles from me, is WTRF-TV. Many years ago, they had a sportscaster named Jennings Martin (long since deceased).
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