1090 Little Rock KAAY

The Jennings and Martin Program; 1090 KAAY Little Rock | October 13, 1972

Matt Seinberg Big Apple Airchecks BigAppleAirchecks.comCourtesy of BigAppleAirchecks.com, we travel back to 1972 to listen to what morning drive sounded like on the Mighty 1090! KAAY is something of a legend among radio listeners in the Southwest part of America, with its 50,000 watt signal covering nearly every state west of the Mississippi at night! Some of our guests may remember “Beaker Street” as a staple on this station every night.

This begins in the 7am hour on Friday the 13th of October. Sonny Martin is the morning man, George T. Jennings is the newsman – hence, the Jennings and Martin Program. The morning show is supposedly music intensive, but some of the things you will notice are the music itself – are these all album cuts? This is certainly not your typical Top 40 fare! Also, seemingly in between nearly every record, there is an advertisement for a bank, car dealership or an insurance company. Obviously, KAAY had all the big clients in Little Rock!

Listen, about 15 minutes in, to a feature called, “I Love a Mystery”. Its a short, old time radio show which runs about 10 minutes, then its back to music, then the news.

1090 Little Rock KAAY

Aircheck #1,282 since May 2, 2002!


3 responses to “The Jennings and Martin Program; 1090 KAAY Little Rock | October 13, 1972”

  1. Gary Kerns Avatar
    Gary Kerns

    Wonder if Bill and/or Hillary Clinton ever listened to KAAY? I saw something at reelradio.com years ago that said Clinton himself may have listened to it.

    1. Well, considering the Clintons were from Little Rock, it’s likely they did a few times. Now, if someone ever put either one of them on the air before he was President… or even Governor, that would be quite noteworthy.

  2. Gary Kerns Avatar
    Gary Kerns

    Another thing. I live in Fairmont, WV, and in Wheeling, about 80 miles from me, is WTRF-TV. Many years ago, they had a sportscaster named Jennings Martin (long since deceased).

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