It's wierd, listening to this era once again. While there is a ton of history associated with the few monster Top 40 stations of the day, such as WABC, WLS…
Courtesy of longtime Contributor Alan Fletcher, here's a composite of AM and FM stations in New York City and the Hudson Valley region. It spans a time period from sometime…
The Don Imus people are familiar with on WABC these days really bears no resemblance to a stoned Rock and Roller who went by Imus in the Morning on WNBC…
Listen now as Beaver Clever throws himself into a high energy Top 40 radio show. Frankly, its amazing that 99X didn't beat crosstown, cross-band WABC at its own game right…
There was a time when WPLJ was still playing Album Rock and a sleepy Beautiful Music station at 100.3 brought the airwaves of New York alive. Z-100 was born out…
Lee Roberts is showcased here as one of the "X-Men" on the old 99X. Notice the amount of Disco music in rotation here! Perhaps it was not enough, or too…
"You Give Us 22 Minutes, We'll Give You The World" That slogan, and the All-News format as we know it today owes its beginnings to the late Stan Brooks. Stan…
Tape recordings are an amazing thing. Someone hit the 'record' button at random, and at times, such as this, we get to hear something quite amazing. That this tape survived…