790 Atlanta WQXI

Part two of this fantastic exhibit is yet another 45 minute scoped presentation, with more McKee silliness and morning laughter. But…. McKee is on vacation! And, who is the sidekick? We’re sure our visitors know quite well.

Our statistics show that Gary McKee and WQXI are our most-streamed airchecks, so listen now and find out why!

79 WQXI Atlanta

By Steve West

Steve West is a 41 year veteran of broadcasting. His air work as a Jock and News Anchor includes six radio markets and over two-dozen radio stations. Steve is the founder of Airchexx.com and Hitoldies.net - All the BIG Hits!

10 thoughts on “Gary McKee on WQXI Atlanta | 1974-1976 Part 2”
  1. One of the thrilling things about growing up in Atlanta was the overwhelming sense of well being generated by the one and only Gar-O-McKee!

    It seemed as no matter what burdens one had starting the day Gary Mckee could take you to a world of laughter and entertainment. He made it seem as though he was your friend, that he was right there with you in the traffic, that he looked forwared (with you)to the day. What an absolute talent! I don’t think that kind of talent can be taught. One either has it or they don’t. Gary Mckee had the talent; moreover, he had the heart.

    God bless you my friend and thanks for all you did in those days. Where are you ole buddy? We miss you so.

    David Underwood

  2. The sidekick is Willis “The Guard” Caswell. Supposedly, Willis was the security guard at WQXI and he’s always have a joke for Gary McKee every morning when he got into work. Gary liked him so much, he eventually put him on the radio. I’m not sure if that’s true or not, but that was the story they told on the air.

    Willis did some funny songs from time to time, including “Gonna Drive My Truck” and “The Great Biloxi Backup.” I’d love to hear some of that stuff. It made getting up in the morning and getting ready to go to school a lot more tolerable.

    I loved those guys and by listening to this stuff again, I’m reliving my teenage years.

  3. As a Atlanta native Listening to this now I cant believe I like it.At the time I must have been on some heavy duty drugs way to much talking that’s not funny and not enough music (note it did get better when Yetta Levitt came on board)

  4. Hey, I workerked with Jihn Leader, Mckee, Bll Sherard, Lee Logan, Ron Parker, Dave Weis and many the great Barry Chase. Do to an unfortunate moving accident in the early 90’s I lost not on my air check collection including 790 QUIXIE,
    but many family memntos including the flag from my Fathers coffin. I would appreciate any attempt on your part to help me find some air check one from the best times of my radio career, 41 years, and 790 WQXI was one of the best stations I was ever a part of. I still keep in touck with John Leader, Ron Parker at WCBS-FM New York and Jery and Dot Blum who ran the station then.
    Please help. It would be a great gift to leave my children.
    Thank You,
    Tomm Rivers

    1. Tomm–did you and I work together in Albuquerque and San Antonio? Or is this a different Tomm Rivers?

      1. It was Chicago – WFYR & WSKS and Albuqueuerque both for Jack Kelly.

        Retired now and back in Wisconsin and am the proud author of my first book.

        Check it out on Face Book.

        Hope you’re well.

        God Bless,

        Tomm Rivers

        1. Our wives worked together in the Avon hair salon on Roswell Rd. in Sandy Springs in 1974 and we used to get stoned together. We played on the WQXI Quackers softball team that summer. I believe you lived in Doraville at the time, off of Buford Highway. Your real name is Paul Pastiak? Do you remember?

  5. The sit in jock for McKee was the late Gary Corry, who was also the voice of Red Neckerson.

    The late Willis “the Guard” Caswell was Bob Carr who was a long time on air talent and PD at WQXI -FM when they were easy listening, before they became 94 Q.

    Gary McKee is retired, still living in the Atlanta and active with the Georgia Radio Hall of Fame.

    Karl Phillips

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