1170 WHLW

Sample: 1170 WHLW Lakewood Township, NJ | December, 1974

Lakewood Township NJDate of Recording: 12.xx.1974 (Exact Date Unknown)
Station: 1170 WHLW (WOBM) Lakewood Township, New Jersey, USA
Format: Top 40
Featured Air Personality: Big Jay Sorensen (“Jay the Jock”)
Contributor: Robyn Watts
Airchexx Entry: 1,458

“…And the turntable doesn’t work!!”


From out of nowhere, a small AM Top 40 station in northern New Jersey is featured with a guy named “Jay the Jock”… with jingles to match! The station’s slogan is “Eleven-Seven Jersey Shore”. Actually, you’ll notice the jingles sound like the cheap, cheezy variety. This station gets extra points for trying hard. The signal is compressed but not overly so, and 1170 is running reverb, which is somewhat significant, being that WHLW was solidly within the signal contour of 77 WABC New York, and IT’S compressed reverb.

This is a short scope, running just 4:23, but one can get a good feel for the sound of this station. Live jocks who make mistakes, live ad copy, 45 rpm records and commercials played on cart machines. For those of us in the business who remember, it’s almost like a dream!

1170 WHLW


One response to “Sample: 1170 WHLW Lakewood Township, NJ | December, 1974”

  1. Jay the Jocj]k is Big Jay Sorenson.. The jock who pops in at the beginning is Kerry Kristafer (Worlf Famous when he went to KQV a few monthe later) The jingles were done by Joey Reynolds. This was only a sgort time before Joey and some of the others went to Pittsburgh.

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